Pascale St-Onge, the Minister of Sport and Minister responsible for the Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec (CED), announced today a non-repayable contribution of $9.5M to the Réseau des SADC et CAE to help SMEs go green and support sustainable development in Quebec regions.
This financial assistance comes at the perfect time for Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités (SADCs) and Centres d’aides aux entreprises (CAEs), which for 15 years have been integrating sustainable development principles into their local economic development projects and business advisory services. This support from Canada Economic Development will allow them to continue helping businesses improve their environmental and economic performance and assisting communities with local economic development projects that promote sustainable development.
Vallier Daigle, president of the Réseau des SADC et CAE, is understandably very pleased with today’s announcement. “This is excellent news because, in addition to recognizing our members’ expertise helping small businesses with sustainable development projects, the Government of Canada is taking a concrete step that will ultimately have a positive impact on the environmental and economic performance of our SMEs. The SADCs and CAEs of Quebec are ready to take up the challenge and give businesses the support they need to build a greener future in Quebec regions.”
SADCs and CAEs have completed many sustainable development projects over the past few years in areas ranging from circular economy to carbon credits to renewable energy recovery. These projects have been carried out across the province and benefit both SMEs and their communities. It’s only natural for the Government of Canada to collaborate with key economic stakeholders, such as SADCs and CAEs, to deliver this program, which is bringing us all one step closer to a greener, more sustainable economy.
À propos du réseau des SADC et CAE
Les 67 SADC (Sociétés d’aide au développement des collectivités) et CAE (Centres d’aide aux entreprises) travaillent depuis 40 ans au développement économique de leur collectivité. Le Réseau des SADC et CAE compte plus de 1 000 professionnels et bénévoles qui soutiennent et financent chaque année plus de 10 000 entrepreneurs et projets de développement économique local. Les SADC et les CAE offrent aux entrepreneurs un accompagnement personnalisé et soutenu, ainsi que des produits de financement souples et adaptés à leurs besoins. Développement économique Canada pour les régions du Québec appuie financièrement les SADC et les CAE.
Plus d’information suivra sur le programme Virage Vert dans le prochain InfoLien de la SADC de la région de Coaticook.